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Capital gains tax
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Capital gains tax

How to calculate capital gains tax (CGT) on your assets, assets that are affected, and the CGT discount.


What is capital gains tax?

Capital gains tax (CGT) is the tax you pay on profits from selling assets, such as property.

You report capital gains and capital losses in your income tax return and pay tax on your capital gains. Although it is referred to as 'capital gains tax,' it is part of your income tax. It is not a separate tax.

If you have a capital gain, it will increase the tax you need to pay. You may want to work out how much tax you will owe and set aside funds to cover it.

List of CGT assets and exemptions
Check if your assets are subject to CGT, exempt, or pre-date CGT.

Acquiring CGT assets
Establish the date you buy or acquire an asset, your share of ownership and records to keep.

CGT events
How and when CGT is triggered, such as when an asset is sold, lost or destroyed.

CGT discount
Find out if your asset is eligible for the 50% CGT discount.

Calculating your CGT
Use the calculator or steps to work out your CGT, including your capital proceeds and cost base.

Property and capital gains tax
How CGT affects real estate, including rental properties, land, improvements and your home.

Shares and similar investments
Check if you are an investor or trader, and how it affects tax on your shares or units in a fund.

Inherited assets and capital gains tax
How and when CGT applies if you sell assets you inherited, including properties and shares.

Foreign residents and capital gains tax
How CGT affects your assets if you are a foreign or temporary resident, or change your residency.

Relationship breakdown and capital gains tax
Find out if you can defer, or 'roll over', CGT on assets that transfer to you in a divorce.

Market valuation of assets
When and how to get your assets valued for CGT purposes.

How to complete the capital gains section in your tax return
Instructions for completing the CGT section of the individual income tax return.

Small business CGT concessions
Find out if your small business can reduce, disregard or defer CGT on an active asset.

Depreciating assets
How CGT affects depreciating assets like business equipment.





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